

Your Birthday - born 21st, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 21st, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 21st, May :
May 21 people are leaders. They are particularly good at borrowing money and handling it, so at work they are often employed to pull a company together and get it in budget. Men and women have none of the nervous reactions to finances, common to so many born on other days. If they are in debt, they don't wallow, but work and trade their way out of it, thinking up brinkmanship, creative ideas, taking advice from the best, then modifying the whole cocktail to create a drop-dead plan. And amazingly, they manage to be good fun - at least for those they like. This superstarette has a couple of problems. They can't understand others' lack of interest in what they do, dismissing them arrogantly as anoraks, and anoraknophobia, as you may know, means living in a narrow little circle where people are either deemed to be for you or against you. These individuals are also unbelievably vulnerable to flattery and can't judge a person with a mile-long oil slick behind them as anything but wonderfully loyal, unless their dear old mum and dad have the wit to warn against them. It's worth remembering that Mr and Miss May 21 always listen to Mummy and Daddy. So really dedicated courtiers must pay a lot of attention to the parents. Both sexes are often blessed with good looks which they maintain with careful dieting and exercise. Cellulite is a matter of life or death to these babes. They are always on the go because somebody has told them that sitting down promotes orange peel thighs. Find the men on the squash court and golf course, networking furiously while attempting to win - or lose if they are playing their boss. Younger men, proud of their 28-inch waists, lounge glamorously at the juice bar of a fashionable gym, sometimes organising team events against neighbouring villages or rival businesses.
Body :

Without sex May 21 grows depressed and physically unwell. These creatures adore having their feet stroked, a tickled toe and they're yours. Foot massage was practised by Indian masters of the erotic long before the west was out of wood. It's arousing, and rejuvenates the body's energies. Tired feet communicate their unhappiness to the rest of the body. Take May 21's foot, holding it under the ball, with thumbs resting on top, at the base of the toes. Exert gentle pressure, pushing the thumbs up towards the top of the foot. Then move gently and firmly outwards in a fan movement. Repeat five times.
Mind :

They are fixed folk, shying away from emotional experience in unchartered areas. Yet May 21 genuinely needs fresh personal stimulus, something or somebody who has nothing to do with their work. This will bring great joy.

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